Tortuguero National Park

credit-neil-osborne-greenTortuguero National Park is located in the Limon province of Costa Rica. This the third most visited national park in the country for the reason that here you can witness sea turtles coming to the shores to lay their eggs during sunset. This event only occurs during a certain time of the year which is from March to October, but there are still those few occasions where you can catch a glimpse of a sea turtle or two heading to the shore to lay their eggs last minute. Boat is actually the primary mode of transportation in this national park even if you want to go hiking; boats are pretty cheap and they will take you just about anywhere in the park. I did not have the chance to visit here during my two month stay, but I constantly heard great things about it and hope that one day when I do return to Costa Rica that I can check this national park out. I do also want to mention that although this national park is beautiful it is located in a recently dangerous region of Costa Rica. I was warned by many locals that the Limon region is dealing with a lot of drug trafficking and issues of that nature, so it is important that tourists that go visit do not draw attention to themselves. Always be aware of your surroundings and do not trust every person you meet because you really do not know what could happen.